Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

On this day of gratitude, I want to share my *top thanks* list this year. I could go on for a while, but I’ll keep it brief so you all can get back to turkey and football and naps or whatever it is you choose to do to celebrate in your own thankful way. 

So, in no particular order:

1.  My anxiety is finally being treated. I’m grateful to the medical team, my healthcare providers, and the medications that are successfully helping me sleep at night and show up as my best self during the day. 

2.  My family. My grandparents: their love and gifts are with me every single day. My wife Regan: together we walk this life’s journey and all its ups and downs as a team. My daughter, a beautiful young woman who everyday tells me she loves me and knows she is loved by me. My mom, my dad, my brothers and sisters and cousins, and the many, many friends who give my life meaning and purpose.

3.  Lemon Squad, its owners at Wrench, and the incredible company it has become and is evolving into. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

4.  Moving to Duluth this year, and all that this new place has brought us: hiking every day on the North Shore, a new community, new opportunities.

5.  Simple living. This may sound crazy to anybody who knows me, but I have done some serious downsizing this year (much thanks to Regan), and today I can honestly say how decluttering my life and my belongings has given me a lot of space and peace in my daily life. The minimalistic approach is a real thing, and I’m glad to be living it today.

And I’m grateful for all of you – my community. I’d love to know what you’re grateful for, too. 

Send me an email: antonadabbs(at)

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